You're About to Become Part of The Academy
You won't regret it!
Here are the essentials about your special offer:
Your membership starts as soon as you submit the membership form. You have full access to everything in our library (over 400 hours of clinically relevant "Learning by Oneself", all with detailed certificates which are perfect for your CPD records.
If you need any help with anything at all, just contact us. Neil is the main point of contact on 01933 328154/ The APM team is at your disposal throughout your membership.
If you had already registered with us, then your login details remain the same, if not you'll be sent those once the "paperwork" is done.
You're signing up for an annual contract starting today (but in fact you'll get 14 months membership, at no extra charge). Towards the end of your 14 months, we'll remind you that the contract is up for renewal, but if you wish, you can cancel at that point. We won't just send one email - we'll make strenuous efforts to ensure that you know the renewal is about to happen. We don't want any dissatisfied members!
You won't pay anything for 8 weeks, at which point you'll be charged either £27.60 per month or £331.20 for the year, whichever you prefer. Both those prices include VAT.
As long as you remain a member, your fee will NEVER increase.
We won't take any credit card details right now, but Neil will be in touch soon to check all's well and to sort out the details.
And this is the most important point: make use of us - we're here to help!