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Not to mention the chance to lock into our "no fee increase ever" guarantee?

And even the threat of amateur bagpipes won't change your mind?


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Last chance
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There's an intangible benefit to membership, something you don't realise until you haven't got it.
It's called Peace of Mind.

Our profession can be very lonely.  Being self-employed, or running a small business can be very stressful.

Membership of The Academy not only provides you with access to cutting edge CPD, it provides you with help and support from like-minded people, who have experienced the same problems as you.

Whether you need support when somebody makes a complaint about you, advice on setting up a practice, guidance on advertising rules, help when the General Council audits you, or just someone to talk to -  The Academy is here for you.

The Academy - not just CPD

"Great, pertinent content, professionally presented.. a real asset to any practitioner wanting to enhance their knowledge base and not just tick the CPD box!"

Matthew Bourne

"Invaluable, professional and friendly service. Blown away by the support and organisation.
A must-have in my book."

Mark Prudden

"I have been a member since the academy started and have only ever had positive experiences.
The team have been very helpful."

Claire Bowmar

Try the 1 Month Trial

Our 28-day, no-obligation trial gives you access to virtually everything we do for just £5.00.

Join us for 6 hrs of live Learning with Others broadcasts and full access to hundreds of hours  in our CPD Library.

Enjoy the support, guidance and help the Academy provides to our community.

Full Member

Choose a Low-Cost 12 month subscription, paid monthly or in one annual payment. £27.60 per month or £331.20 per year, inc VAT.
Choose a Low-Commitment rolling monthly contract, £44.40 inc VAT.


As a student, you don't need CPD, but you're hungry for knowledge.  APM provides that, but also  access to a wide community of qualified practitioners.

To help you in your early stages, student membership is just £5 per month AND you remain on this rate for a full year after you graduate.

The Free Stuff


We started providing FREE CPD at the beginning of the Covid crisis in order to help out our colleagues, many of whom were struggling with the lockdown.

It proved really popular, so we’ve decided to continue it!

Just register to get access to three hours of FREE Learning with Others.

Practice Membership
If you're part of a larger practice of multiple practioners, we can provide a bespoke quote for individual membership for all staff at a discounted rate.

Just enter your details in the form below and we'll be in touch.


The bottom line, is that I find APM invaluable for CPD. The Academy has made CPD so much more convenient, rewarding, inspiring, easier to digest, implement in practice, and easy to write up and record for GOsC. APM gives me access to top quality CPD by a full range of experts in multiple areas of relevance to osteopaths in a way that I couldn't have accessed previously. I thoroughly enjoy the convenient, easy to process, well presented chunks of information.

As it fits in with my working week, I find I am continuously updating my knowledge base and feeling inspired. I finally feel part of a diverse manual therapy community whilst feeling more confident in what my role is within that community, my own specialisms and how to access other experts for my patients. The APM team are so reassuring and helpful and I feel continuously supported and bolstered by my membership.

Jenny Grant

Registered Osteopath, Your Local Osteo



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Regular, entertaining, concise & informative. Ticking all the boxes!