Cauda Equina Syndrome
- the latest guidance -
Before we bring up the video, text and reference documents, please just take 30 seconds to register with us (if you haven't already done so). All we're asking for is your name and email address.
We're doing that so that we can generate personalised certificates for you in respect of any CPD you carry out with us. Don't worry - there's no charge!
Are we also going to send you mountains of marketing emails? No. We'll simply email you to let you know about our upcoming broadcasts. There's no hard-sell; it's entirely up to you if you want to become a full member of The Academy, and you can unsubscribe from our emails any time you like.
Already registered? No need to do it again - just log in using the details we sent you!
Back to those certificates, however. They're brilliantly designed to meet your CPD needs: they list the date, the time spent on the learning, whether it was Learning With Others or Learning by Oneself, and they show all the relevant Osteopathic Practice Standards. Oh, and for good measure, they also show any relevant NICE Guidelines!
If communication and consent - now a compulsory element of your Continuing Professional Development - has been covered, this is highlighted. too.
Even better, we draft a statement of reflection for you to use in formulating your own thoughts, and you can add this to your certificate.
All this is to save you time when it comes to compiling your records at the end of your CPD cycle. You can download certificates as you go along if you really want to, or you can leave them in your APM Profile until you need them. You will always be able to access them (and find them!) when needed.